Fundamentals of Exascale Computing
Explain Live Session –

Aimed at independent users, this one day course will present Novel portable programming models for heterogeneous computer architectures (where the computer architecture uses more than one instruction set and so requires different programs to be written for each). We will introduce two of these programming models; SYCL (a C++ open standard from the Khronos group) and Kokkos (a C++ framework from the US Exascale Computing Project).
The course will also include an opportunity to complete practical examples of the code on our Scafell Pike supercomputer.
In this level course, you will:
- Understand what Exascale Computing is.
- Understanding why you should move your application to portable Exascale-ready software.
- the SYCL programming model
- the Kokkos programming model
- Basic understanding of C++ and HPC concepts
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