Beginner’s Guide to Geospatial Data
Explain Live Session –
Developed in collaboration with IBM Research, UK.

In this course, you will be introduced to geospatial data and analysis. Starting with the fundamental principles of geospatial data, we will delve into the history and need for geospatial data. We will look at case studies showcasing different uses of geospatial data, for example, within the finance industry, oil/pipeline industry and governments.
We will look at implications of mass climate events to understand the consequences on infrastructure and industry. For example, floods are the costliest natural hazard in the UK, with the winter storm season of 2022 causing £500 millions of insurance damage.
Finally, we will look at how this data is collated, what sources are available and what techniques are used to analyse the datasets. We will be exploring some tool examples to showcase the capabilities of geospatial data.
In this Introductory level course, you will:
- Understand what is meant by geospatial data
- Understand what impacts mass climate events can have on industry
- Understand how geospatial data is used in industry currently
- Gain an insight into the type of datasets available
- Understand the different analysis methods for climate risk
- Explore some case study examples of tools used for analysis
Pre-requisites: None
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